Ah, these strings

Day 3 /  / Track 2  /  RU / Introduction to technology

Strings. java.lang.String. Probably the most used and investigated class of Java language. Everyone used it countless time and it seems nothing is surprising with it. But do we always use Strings in the right way? Sergey dares to say no. This talk is about the pitfalls of usage of java.lang.String.

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Sergey Tsypanov
Sergey Tsypanov

Sergey is a Java developer in Levi9. The main direction of professional development is the solving of performance-related issues.

Invited Experts

Andrei Kogun

Andrei has been working in IT for more than 15 years, head of the Java developers at KROK. During his career he took part in many custom development projects, mainly e-document flow systems and business processes automatization for several big Russian companies as a senior developer and an architect. At the universities of Moscow, he delivers lectures in development basics with the use of Java technologies. Organizer and leader of Moscow Java developers community.