Cryptography for a Java programmer

Day 1 /  / Track 2  /  RU / Introduction to technology

What we have and how to use it. The possibilities of modern cryptography in JRE and BouncyCastle framework. Examples of using cryptography in different scenarios: optimizing system architecture by turning Statefull into Stateless.

Target audience: middle and senior developers who define the architecture and protocols for the interaction of systems and applications.

After the talk developers will know about cryptography in Java, that it allows solving practical problems and sometimes simplifies life.

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Sergey Vladimirov
Sergey Vladimirov

Designed and developed high-performance systems in NetCracker, Odnoklassniki (, Sberbank, lately at NSPK JST (MIR PS operator). Engaged in systems architecture, backend (Java), and even in frontend (ReactJS). Big fan of standard solutions and technology usage even in very non-standard situations. Lector (MIPT), coauthor of study-book and popularizer of cryptography and information security.

Invited Experts

Vladimir Plizga

Since his school days Vladimir was enthusiastic about programming and from then on has managed to code everything: from Soviet programmable calculators to modern CNC tools in production. For the last 8+ years he has been involved in Java backend development of Internet banking at CFT (Center of Financial Technologies). Constantly bothers with ideas about optimization of day-to-day tasks in software development and testing, nurtures solutions for them while jogging or swimming and then puts them into life, experimenting shamelessly on his colleagues. Periodically writes articles and makes talks on Java as well as takes part in organizing SnowOne – Siberian community-driven Java conference.

Pasha Finkelstein

Despite his education in psychology, for 14 years Pasha managed to work in a lot of IT areas — system administration, development, management, data engineering, in general, touched almost everything that exists in IT. More than 10 years ago he started practicing DevOps and never focused on just one thing. Now Pasha works at JetBrains on Big Data Tools – tools to make data engineer's life easier. Very sociable, loves, and understands people and is always happy to answer any questions.