A few more small optimizations

Day 4 /  / Track 1  /  RU / Introduction to technology

In new versions of Java, there are not only many new cool features and global performance improvements like new garbage collectors. There are also many new small improvements in the standard library that few people know about because they rarely make it to articles and blog posts. Tagir released the first batch of such optimizations at the Joker conference last year. According to the feedback the audience enjoyed the dish, so let's repeat it. We will look at some optimizations that were not included in the first talk included those that will appear in Java 15 and discuss how and why they were made.

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Tagir Valeev

Tagir Valeev is a software developer in JetBrains s.r.o. Currently, he improves the support of Java features in IntelliJ IDEA developing new inspections and intention actions. Tagir is actively interested in static code analysis and when time permits, develops an open source library called StreamEx which enhances standard Java 8 Stream API.

Invited Experts

Andrei Kogun

Andrei has been working in IT for more than 15 years, head of the Java developers at KROK. During his career he took part in many custom development projects, mainly e-document flow systems and business processes automatization for several big Russian companies as a senior developer and an architect. At the universities of Moscow, he delivers lectures in development basics with the use of Java technologies. Organizer and leader of Moscow Java developers community.

Andrey Dmitriev
JUG Ru Group

Andrey graduated from SPbU "Mathematics and Mechanics" faculty. He was developing a graphical stack of JDK libraries (AWT / Swing / JavaFX) for few years in Sun and Oracle. Andrey supervised the development team in QuickOffice, was responsible for the functionality QuickPoint component, worked as a manager of load testing group in NetCracker.

Currently, Andrey is the production department lead at JUG Ru Group.