Внедрение open source-решений на примере Одноклассников

Day 5 /  / Track 4  /  RU /

TechTalk двух выдающихся инженеров: Дмитрий Чуйко (Bellsoft) и Андрей Паньгин (Одноклассники) поговорят о том, как перейти с одного runtime на другой, и что учесть при переходе. Какие технологии использует команда разработки Одноклассников, что ждать нового в Java async profiler, и что ждёт Java в будущем.


Andrey Pangin

Principal Software Engineer at Odnoklassniki, specializes in the development of high-loaded Java servers. Due to the experience he got while working at Oracle in HotSpot team, knows JVM like the back of his hand and is fond of sharing his expertise during various conferences. Authors one-nio and async-profiler projects, leads in the #JVM category on Stack Overflow.

Dmitry Chuyko

Dmitry Chuyko is a performance engineer at BellSoft, one of the most active corporate OpenJDK developers. Before joining BellSoft, Dmitry worked on HotSpot JVM in Oracle. His previous experience with Java showed that the most interesting problems in applications find their solutions in the underlying platform. Dmitry is currently mainly optimizing OpenJDK for x86 and ARM, and also contributing to the development of JEP 386 to make the smallest Java containers even better. Dmitry speaks at large conferences such as Joker, JPoint, Oracle Code One, Devoxx, or GeeCON, as well as at JUG meetups in different countries.